Banknote Album Black 35 Sleeve Pages, 70 Total Pockets with Slipcase (Empty)

Banknote Album Black 35 Sleeve Pages, 70 Total Pockets with Slipcase (Empty)

This item was donated used and thus will show some signs of age and use related wear, but is overall in good condition.

The album has a total of 35 clear pages with varying amounts of pockets in each page. In between each clear page is a white card divider.

The clear pages are split into:
5x 1-pocket = 5 pockets
25x 2-pocket = 50 pockets
5x 3-pocket = 15 pockets
= 70 pockets total.

Please see photos for further details.

Our GA Ref:5000963

Shop: GSS/D20

Listed by: KC

Thank you for looking. Every penny you spend on the items we list is used to help Age UK South Lakeland provide the much needed support and services needed by the older people of South Lakeland.

Item Code: 010022


Age UK South Lakeland